Tag Archive | past

Kafka on the Shore

The world would be a real mess if everybody was a genius.

Pointless thinking is worse than no thinking at all

But things in the past are like a plate that’s shattered to pieces. You can never put it back as it was.

In traveling, a companion, in life, compassion


  • We’re here to put our art on display, and we respect the art of those who came before us.

  • Revisiting the past is no use, it serves only to place figurative shackles on our feet and remove any sign of hope in humanity.

  • She was no vase but a storm of lightening, wind, and thunder, a force of nature that could never be tamed or merely channeled to stir windmills, light up cities, sow terror.

  • Words lack the power to describe the Absolute, the Infinite.


~Paulo Coelho


You might not have been my first love
but you were the love that made
all the other loves

~ Rupi Kaur
Milk & Honey
